Bad welds are common in the metal-mechanical sector and tend to cause many problems in various structures, parts, and projects. As in any procedure, some defects may occur in the welding joining process, however, we must take into account that a simple mistake can generate accidents, delay a project, or increase operating costs.

We must take into account that these errors may be more common with manual welding, however, this does not exclude automated welding, since a bad configuration of the machine or a bad decision by the operator (related to the materials) can also lead to a bad weld. Here are some of the disadvantages that can result from bad welds.

Premature failures

A bad weld can generate premature failures in structures when they are subjected to stress since a bad weld can present a bad fusion between both sides or one side of the joint, which can make the joint weak and can significantly compromise the structural integrity of the project and cause premature failures. It should be noted that premature failures can be the result of a bad weld that has generated discontinuities or defects in the weld that cause a concentration of stresses in a specific point of the weld seam, which produces weakening in the weld, breaks, or cracks.

Weakens the structure

A bad weld lacks the necessary strength and integrity, which can lead to a weakening of the structure, since a bad weld may not penetrate both pieces of metal, which can generate cracks or a groove in the metal, making the structure weak and prone to breakage.

Increased operating costs

A bad weld can generate higher operating costs in any of the stages of the welding process since a bad weld can lead to unforeseen events that require the replacement of poorly welded parts, repairs, and increased downtime of the project. It should be noted that when a repair or replacement is necessary, this translates into expenses for materials and labor, in addition to the time required to solve the problem.

Affects aesthetics 

A bad weld can cause appearance problems affecting the aesthetics of the project since a bad weld usually presents irregular surfaces, grooves along the edges, excess material, discoloration, or uneven bead profiles, which are characterized as visible defects that make the weld look unsightly.

Seven disadvantages of bad welds

Affects the functionality of the joint

A bad weld can compromise the functionality of the joint and even the part that has been welded since a bad weld compromises the strength and durability of the joint, especially in piping systems that may allow leaks.

Due to porosity, a bad weld promotes corrosion, and, in structural elements, bad welds are directly related to safety, as they can endanger people.

Distortion or deformation of parts

Bad welding can cause distortion or deformation in the welded parts, even such deformation can also occur in a poorly welded structure. This is due to the fact that during the welding process if excess heat is applied or there is uneven cooling, a plastic deformation of the metal is generated. It is important to note that this variant of deformation in the part can affect the dimensional accuracy of the design, which can affect the structural load capacity.

Costly detection and correction

A bad weld can generate additional costs for a project by requiring trained personnel to detect and correct a poorly applied weld. In order to detect a bad weld, trained personnel are needed to perform inspections, tests, and correct the weld, which translates into time consumption, certified labor, and use of consumable materials.

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